HD video, 27:32 min (trailer 3:10 min)
Produced for German television, Vertical People situates itself within the genre of science fiction. It explores an alternate world that has fallen into the prison of a scripted reality, where our universe has been spread so thin it’s on the verge of being converted to pure energy. The video takes its content from resorts, theme parks, science labs, and found footage. It transmutes their narrative into a post-planetary experience that ponders our future state of expansion, one that reaches vertically towards a contracting ceiling. In a 'theme park world' that loses its ability to create the authentic, we search for new forms of authenticity in accelerated modes of seduction, confusion, and distinctive violence.
Broadcast on the Lokalsender O Eins TV station as part of Video Visions (solo presentation) in 2014.
© Daniel Shanken 2022